Kitchen Care

Kitchen Services

According to a recent study by the CDC, the majority of the foodservice establishments involved in foodborne pathogen outbreaks did not have compliance with policies on cleaning of food contact surfaces. Floor cleaning, hand hygiene and food sanitation were all areas of concern for these facilities. A managed cleaning program from Spartan Chemical including staff training, the right sanitizers, a hand hygiene program, and computer based management tools is core to preventing the spread of foodborne pathogens and reducing the risk of an outbreak.

Kitchen Floor Care

Grease is inescapable in a kitchen environment, especially in and around grills and fryers. Over time, this grease builds-up in kitchen tile and grout, creating a slippery safety hazard. SparClean® Sure Step is a no-rinse, enzyme floor cleaner that breaks down built-up grease, improving slip resistance.

3 Sink System

Protect customers and employees by following proper procedures for cleaning, sanitizing and rinsing utensils, dishes, and food preparation surfaces.

Automatic Dish Procedures

Whether you’re using high temperature or low temperature equipment, follow these procedures to properly provide clean and sanitize dishes and utensils.

Hand Hygiene Procedures

Keep it safe and keep it clean. Hand hygiene is the first line of defense in preventing the spread of foodborne pathogens and other harmful bacteria that cause illness.

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