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11 - 20 of 119 Results
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    Consume Micro-Muscle®

    An industrial strength degreaser with odor control, Micro-Muscle quickly penetrates and digests petroleum-based soils such as: motor oil, hydraulic fluid, stamping oils, and lubricants. With…
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    Consume® Drop-in-a-Drain

    A convenient, single dose natural drain treatment, Drop-in-a-Drain naturally digests drain line build-up and blockage. Its unique single dose comes in water soluble dosing packets. Drop-in-a-Drain…
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    BioTransport® 2 Consume Micro-Muscle®

    An industrial strength degreaser with odor control, Micro-Muscle quickly penetrates and digests petroleum-based soils such as: motor oil, hydraulic fluid, stamping oils, and lubricants. With…
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    RTU Consume Bio-Bowl® (Canada)

    Consume Bio-Bowl is a natural acid, toilet, urinal, and shower room cleaner formulated with natural digesters…
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    BioTransport® 1 Consume Eco-Lyzer®

    Consume Eco-Lyzer is a revolutionary quaternary-based disinfectant concentrate formulated to destroy…
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    CX3 Bio-Assist® (Canada)

    A revolutionary, safe and natural approach to cleaning carpet. This product relies on a superior ... detergent system with the digestive power of the Consume bacteria and the results are clearly revolutionary…
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