Clean Gyms are Busy Gyms

In fitness centers and health clubs, appearance and cleanliness of the facility plays an integral part of member’s decision to join and retain their membership.

A facility that is consistently cleaned correctly becomes evident to the members and ensures they will renew their membership. In addition, in athletic facilities, infection control is of critical importance to the safety of each member. Studies show that routine cleaning and disinfection as part of a managed cleaning program can significantly reduce the risk of harmful pathogens being spread through frequently touched surfaces.  

A targeted cleaning and maintenance program designed for Health Clubs, Fitness Centers & Gyms

Maintaining a clean and healthy fitness facility increases member satisfaction, ensures renewals, and attracts new members. FitnessCheck addresses your unique needs by integrating knowledge, resources and products into a dedicated program that delivers powerful results.

Identify High Touch Surfaces

The most common transmission of all viruses is airborne (sneezing and coughing). The second most common transmission is through close contact with an infected person (shaking hands, etc.). Viruses may also be transmitted by contacting a contaminated surface and then rubbing your eyes, ears, nose, or mouth.

It is important to assess and document High Touch Surfaces (HTS) in your facility.  Even with the best hand hygiene practices, contaminated surfaces can expose hands to potential pathogens, which can be transmitted to other surfaces and people.

Solutions for Fitness Club/Gyms

Spartan’s team can put together a complete program to address all of the cleaning requirements within your facility. From gym cleaning and equipment sanitation, to the locker room and the laundry room, Spartan has you covered.


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